Sunday 23 February 2014

Resized zombie t-shirt

Advance warning: this is going to be an image-heavy post.

James was getting rid of the t-shirt below and when James gets rid of tops I get first dibs on them. It's a Threadless design, although it looks as though it's no longer available.

Here it is compared to one of my t-shirts.

I used my t-shirt as a guide to mark new side seams on it.

I cut the excess fabric off the sides and the bottom of the sleeves.

I sewed new side seams and trimmed the inside of the seams with pinking shears.

I then sewed new hems, both shortening the sleeves and the body, and hiding that the new side seams hadn't been lined up perfectly!

Here is where this went somewhat off-piste. I realised that while the body fitted well the shoulders and neck were all wrong. Initially I cut a wedge out of the shoulders, intending to simply reposition the sleeves, but I then realised that this would mean I'd need to cut the t-shirt open to the neckline and reposition that as well.

In cutting open the neckline I discovered that I quite liked the idea of making into a boatneck top so I trimmed off the excess fabric, hemmed it and finally added some bias tape to it to tidy it up.

Here I am, braving the cold for a photograph. It's kind of weird - the neckline is too big really - but I quite like it and will wear it. I think the main lesson I've learned here is read up on how to do something before I just blithely launch into the task myself.

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