Saturday 1 February 2014

Now if only we could combine the two...*

Looking back at some other posts it appears that I write a lot about gifts that I've been given. It's not that I'm continuously showered with presents, but that my friends and family are all very thoughtful people who give excellent gifts. For example, for my last birthday three of my friends, (women I've known for over a decade now), gave me the following:
What is best in life? Tea, gin and textile crafts about tea and gin.

I've used the mug every week since then and the gin is almost all gone, but I had a memory of trying cross-stitch in my early teens and not really enjoying it so I didn't break open the kit straight away. I finally opened it last weekend and it was really easy! Why did I think it was difficult? It took an afternoon to make these, (I opted to use them as magnets instead of coasters so I could put them on the huge, magnetic whiteboard in the kitchen):

You get a substantial amount of material with the kit – there are three skeins of embroidery floss and you use hardly any on the design – although the instructions aren't very detailed. They seem to be generic instructions for all of the kits in the range rather than specific to that kit. However, it was pretty easy to figure out what to do. I had fun with these and would definitely recommend them to anyone looking to get into, (or back into), cross-stitch.

*There are actually plenty of cocktail recipes combining tea and gin. This one looks particularly good, if labour-intensive.

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