Tuesday 31 January 2012

Paper stencils

The following three images were cut from single sheets of A4 folded in half. They're all loosely based on drawings of armour I've made over the last few months.

I also combined the helmet stencil with heat transfer paper in the heat press to print onto acrylic fabric.

One last stencil - a full suit of armour cut from an A2 sheet of paper. Hopefully, the ruler gives a sense of scale.

Thursday 26 January 2012

Screen-printing onto handmade paper

I think the title of this post is pretty self-explanatory... Screen-printing onto paper is a bit different to printing onto cloth; it requires a hard, flat surface underneath. My screen-printing tutor also advised that I tape the paper down and put some card on the frame of the screen to create a slight gap between the screen and the paper. The results were pretty good so it looks like it was sound advice.

Thursday 19 January 2012


I made some more paper this week - a lovely light pink paper that I later set about turning into rather serial killer-esque Valentine's Day cards. My original intention was to make a stencil, but the more-or-less anatomically correct heart I'd drawn proved too complicated for this. In the end I photocopied the drawing several times and then cut the hearts out and painted them.

Saturday 14 January 2012

Interwoven at Morley College Gallery

Entry: Free

Morley Gallery's current exhibition showcases the work of tutors from Morley College's textile and jewellery departments. As this includes some of my own fantastic tutors I don't think I can really write anything critiquing the show. Instead I have a selection of pictures from the show. Although there are quite a lot of images here there's still loads more to see and almost all of the pieces are for sale, (just in case anybody has any money left after Christmas).

Thursday 12 January 2012


I'm back at college and we started off the term with some paper-making. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera so I've got no work in progress shots, only the end results. The pulp from these sheets was made by recycling scrap paper. The brown and black speckles in some of the sheets come from uncoated paper bags (from The Body Shop and Ann Summers respectively), while the pink sheet of paper incorporated red envelopes left over from Christmas cards. The sheets with coloured smudges on had coloured confetti added to them while they were still wet. The dye from the confetti then bled across the wet paper.

Thursday 5 January 2012

Happy new year

My new year's resolution is to try and finish some of the many knitting projects I've started over the last couple of years. I got off to a great start by finishing these robot socks from spillyjane knits:

It's taken me about 18 months to finish these. There were some errors in the instructions for the heel and as a result I ended up knitting the heel of the first sock three times before I got it right, after which I couldn't face doing the second sock for a very long time. However, if anybody wishes to make these socks despite my warning then the pattern can purchased on Etsy or on Ravelry.

Next up is Cookie A's Hedera sock pattern.