Saturday, 27 September 2014

White jacket

About a year ago I bought this white linen jacket from asos.

I bought it for my wedding as I realised that I had a sleeveless wedding dress and a wedding that would be taking place largely outdoors in England in October. The weather actually ended up being really good, although I was glad of the jacket at the end of the day.

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Stack: September

September's Stack delivery is boat, a travel magazine. Each issue of boat focuses exclusively on a single city and this issue is about Los Angeles. Of course, this is Stack so boat isn't a typical travel magazine. There's no guide to the best places to eat or the top 10 attractions to visit. Instead, boat is a series of articles by, and interviews with, residents of Los Angeles in which they ruminate on aspects of life in the city.

And it was a great read. It needed some better copy-editing, but the actual articles were compelling and gave a great sense of L.A. as a city. I previously had no interest in going to L.A., but boat made me want to visit so that seems like a solid endorsement for a travel magazine.

Would I buy it again? Yes, if there was an issue on a city I was going to. I actually looked to see if they had a past issue on Berlin as I might be there next month, but sadly they've not gone there yet.

Saturday, 13 September 2014


I live in a first floor flat. It's a nice place, but when we moved in it was cold. This was mostly due to the hilarious lack of insulation in the loft. That was sorted out pretty quickly and things improved a lot. However, on particularly cold days there was still a draft coming up the stairs and straight into the main bedroom.

Thursday, 11 September 2014


Found on the pavement of Snowsfields by London Bridge.