Saturday, 23 April 2016

Stack: April

April's Stack delivery was a bit of a struggle for me. The magazing was PYLOT, which is "a bi-annual, all-analogue, fashion and photography magazine". This statement actualy comes from their website though, the magazine itself doesn't really tell you what it's about. When asked what I was reading my description was "a fashion magazine for people who want you to know that they're too cool for fashion", a description that I stand by.

The mixture of fashion, art and photography is interesting – it includes interviews with cosmetics company founder Bobbi Brown and photographer Arthur Tress – and it has a policy of not digitally retouching models. Still, it all comes across as very considered and manufactured rather than conveying any real enthusiasm for its subject matter. Also all of the clothes are hideous, but I don't really read high-end fashion magazines so maybe that's normal.

Would I buy it again? No. It's not smart enough to be interesting and the clothes aren't pretty enough for someone with no interest in fashion.

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Dragon on Cloud, aka Crushing Disappointment

While clearing out the office my boss found this:

It's a kit to make a wooden dragon automaton! Awesome! I took it home intending to make it over the weekend, rather optimistically perhaps, considering that the instructions are only in Chinese.

Except that 18 of the 64 pieces are missing. (The kit was open when my boss found it.)

I'm going to double-check the office tomorrow, but I'm not very confident that I'll find anything further. I had a quick look online and the only seller I could find that stocked this kit was based in Taiwan and charged a lot for international shipping. I have found out that a paper version of this kit was produced as well, although this seems to be sold out. How disappointing!