Thursday 6 March 2014

Bookbinding, week 8

After getting off to a bad start with the box, (measure twice, cut once!), I'm back on track. The first step was cutting the pieces for the tray.

Next these pieces are glued together and then covered with heavy paper to reinforce them and disguise the joins.

Here's the first tray inside the second one to show the size difference between them!

Then it's time to cover the tray with book cloth, starting with the sides.

Once the sides are covered the cloth needs to be cut so it can be folded into the box and stuck down.

Here it is stuck down.

Finally the edge without a side and the central part of the tray are covered. There's no need to be neat about the centre as this is just to make the inside surface level.

Then cut the pieces for the lid, which will be assembled in pretty much the same way. I've taken the smaller tray home with me, with the intention of covering this in my spare time as practice.

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