Sunday, 27 November 2011

Skull cushion

Burgundy flock on a thick cotton. I'm really pleased with how this came out.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Nobrow Press

I've been meaning to write something about Nobrow Press for months and the release of the latest issue of their magazine, (also called Nobrow), seems like a good time to finally do so. I found Nobrow by accident. For several months I walked past their Great Eastern Street shopfront on my way to and from work. The shop was always closed at the times I walked past it, but on the blinds was a procession of monsters carrying shopping bags. It was such a fun and unusual image that I eventually made the effort to get there when it was open.

Monday, 14 November 2011

Balham Crafts Fair Friday 18th November

This Friday I'll be selling my work at the Balham Crafts Fair.

The fair is being held at Telferscot Primary School and starts at 7pm. Entry is £2.50 or £1.50 for concessions and people with this flyer. I'll be sharing a stall with the very talented Teresa Kirk and I'll be selling bags, tea towels and cushion covers. Other stalls to check out include Tomfoolery and Bantam Knits.

Come along, drink some mulled wine shop and shop for Christmas gifts!

Friday, 11 November 2011

Armour part 2

Last month I posted about some felt "armour" I had made. The Paverpol dried quite well, although I think I should have used more of it. At the time I was concerned about the amount of felt fibres that were being pulled off and was sparing when applying it, but it seems as though you definitely need more for a more rigid structure. (I'd like to add that the Paverpol did not take a month to dry, it took me a month to remember to bring my camera to college.)

I put cling-film on the mannequin to prevent the felt from becoming glued to it. It turns out that this was a very sensible idea - prising the hardened felt off the mannequin was difficult enough as it was.

The pieces were more or less held together by the Paverpol, but I took the precaution of stitching them together where the joins seemed weakest. Here it is off its stand and in the world outside the Textiles studio.