Monday, 17 October 2011

Light-up shoes - version 1

It seems that I'm not very good at blogging in October.

Anyway, there's some new things in my shop and James and I have been working on a project: shoes that light up when you walk. I have an old pair of shoes with pockets on the sides and we've started by putting circuits inside these pockets to see how much space an LED, a battery and a switch takes up. Not very much as it turns out.

The hall floor is filthy, isn't it? The stains are motorcycle oil. Nothing will remove them.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011


This is something of a counterpart to my last post where I was applying a textile technique - knitting - to metal. Today I've taken a construction method normally used on metal and applied it to textiles. The end result is armour made out of felt.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Non-traditional knitting

Last year I did some knitting with unusual materials for my constructed textiles piece, Stem. Recently I've been experimenting again with some non-standard yarns.