We were using seven colours, which had all been mixed from Procion MX dyes that day: orange, red, blue (actually blue-purple), purple, lime-green, "peacock" (blue-green), and grey. There was also some indigo dye that had been mixed the previous week.
The first seven pieces all had over an hour in the dye baths, while the final six all had under 30 minutes.
Method: Crumpled and secured with thick string
Dye: Orange
Method: Three lines of running stitch sewn and then pulled tight, secured with an elastic band
Dye: Grey
Method: Folded into thirds, wrapped aound a tube and held in place with an elastic band
Dye: Peacock
Method: Tied in knots
Dye: Blue
Method: Chickpeas placed on the fabric and held in place with threads of different thicknesses
Dye: Lime-green
Method: Pleated and then folded into triangles
Dye: Red
Method: Pleated and then pleated again
Dye: Purple
Method: Rolled and then pleated
Dye: Indigo followed by red
Method: Rolled around a string and secured with clothes pegs
Dye: Grey
Method: Pleated diagonally and secured with clothes pegs
Dye: Indigo
Method: Crumpled and secured with an elastic band
Dye: Orange
Method: Placed on top of another piece of cotton and folded into a square
Dye: Purple
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