Monday, 20 June 2016

Stack: June

June's Stack delivery isn't a magazine; it's Amuseum! Hilarious.

I am slightly at a loss as to how to describe this one, (this is starting to feel like a running theme with this year's selection), but I suppose that a museum isn't a bad comparison. It's a selection of essays and articles that are based around objects: lightbulbs; IKEA bags; Vitsœ furniture; Kibbo Kift totems. It's energetic and odd – bouncing from one subject to the next without anything to connect them. The letter from Stack that accompanied it described it as "ideal toilet reading", which is very accurate. You can drop in and out easily, the writing is very accessible, and you'll probably learn something along the way.

Somehow I feel like I'm damning it with faint praise though. While I liked it, I did not love it, and I think the main problem was that it felt very lightweight after last month's New Philosopher. Had it arrived after January's delivery of The Lifted Brow I might have enjoyed it a lot more.

Would I buy it again? Maybe? Not as a regular thing, but maybe if there was an issue with something particularly interesting in?